Saturday, April 30, 2005

Alcopop. Buzzgate. MADD=Prohibitionists.

God help us. Apparently, someone has coined the terms "gateway drinks" and "alcopop." (Malt liquor drinks maybe?) Give me a break. Lighten the fuck up and have a drink. I can't wait until they dub the underage drinking epidemic "Buzzgate." (If recent trends continue, it will happen.)

Which reminds me. Seriously, if I ever come out in support of MADD, kill me. Nobody likes drunk driving, but I take issue with them going after any and all alcohol intake, no matter how harmless and/or unrelated and/or none of their fucking business to begin with. Maybe I'm mistaken, but Prohibition ended over 7 decades ago. Is it coincidence that Prohibition led into the Great Depression? Hmmmm.


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